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Good afternoon, beauties!

Welcome to a new month! Let’s make August a happy, healthy, and fulfilling month.

This week, we’re donning our rose-tinted glasses and taking a closer look at our deepest dreams and desires. Whether big or small, we all have things in mind that we want to achieve.

Our ultimate dreams are not always the same as the dreams we wanted as children; when I was a child, I tossed up the ideas of being a marine biologist, a princess, an actress, an astronaut and a writer. Nowadays, I just settle on the latter! I mainly write poems and screenplays, so hopefully I will be able to make a career out of it.

I asked our PD Dollies what their childhood dreams were, versus the dreams they have for themselves now:

Leesa B: Well my childhood dream was first and foremost to be a fashion designer as well as independent, self sufficient with lots of friends and be happy. I never wanted children but wanted to get married. Unfortunately I get divorced which was never in my plan but it wasn’t my doing that it ended that way. Everything else was as I wanted and I got 2 beautiful children in the mix so can’t complain and being a fashion designer for my own company has been my proudest achievement to date.


Jillian: I cant really remember having a childhood dream ambition but I do remember having a wild imagination as a kid, and wishing that fantasy creatures became true. Now as an adult, my goal is to become an ethical fashion designer and work my way up in the industry and to work with many collaborations and projects to gain new skills and from new people.


Grace: My dream as a child was always to do something creative, it’s always been something I’ve loved and enjoyed. My dream now is to grow as a person and a designer, creating things that can inspire myself and others, and to be happy with everything I achieve in life.


Leesa D: As a child I wanted to be many things; a dancer, a figure skater, a footballer, a runner, work in the forces. But because of my health none of those worked out. Instead I got qualifications in childcare and as a fashion designer. My dream now would to become financially stable while working as a fashion designer and buy my own house.


Anna: I don’t remember having a specific dream job until I fell in love with art. At around 10 years old I remember dreaming of becoming an artist. This developed through school and I soon fell in love with fashion designing and digital artwork too. For a long time I was set on becoming a fashion designer but now my ambition is more likely going into graphic design or marketing. It would also be amazing to have my own little business in the future! I’m looking forward to learning and experiencing so much more of each field.


Milla: I always loved drawing and arts and crafts so been drawn to creative industries all my life but never ended up going to university so never really knew exactly what I wanted to do. I was on arts class in 6th form and enjoyed experimenting with different kinds of medium. Then I moved on to fashion retail and ended up as a visual merchandiser. All sorts has happened since and I’ve found myself getting into grips with my creative side again, this time as an intern for PD! It’s encouraged me to try launching my own brand and even though it’s not paying the bills probably remains as a side hustle.

Speaking of dreams, did your know that we make cozy matching pyjama sets? For you, your partner, and even your little ones! 

Shop our matching Tartan PJ sets! 

What was your childhood dream? Keep your eyes peeled on our Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter for our Questions Of The Day appearing on our socials all week! Stay safe, stay beautiful, and most importantly stay happy.

Kisses, PD Dolly Han xxx

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